Saturday, June 17 @ 10:00am
669 GR 728 Rd, Paragould, AR
Estate of Bill Moore
Auctioneer’s Note: Bill was a long time collector, his family decided to simply life and commissioned PAC to sell his estate to the highest bidder at auction. No buyer’s fee! Visit our website for pictures: http://www.phillipsauction.net
Cub Cadet 1800 riding mower
Cub Cadet LTX 1045 riding mower
Craftsman 18hp riding mower
Craftsman YTS 3000 riding mower
2 Craftsman wheel weed trimmer
2 metal lawn trailers
Upright air compressor
Small portable generator
Garden tools, pressure washer
Toolboxes, Craftsman drill press
Bolt/screw organizer
Misc hand tools, metal saw horses
Electric motors (work)
Hand saws, wheel barrow
Old scribe set, baby doll cribs
Craftsman miter saw
Old baby dolls, Child’s wooden chair (1940s)
Cedar chest, lots of artwork
Misc antique furniture, old rocky horse
Misc antique furniture parts
Galvanized #2 wash tub
Galvanized buckets, wicker baskets
1960’s wooden high chair
Old crock jugs, old books
Army command post table
Antique chandeliers, snuff glasses
Old jars, stained glass lamp shade
Antique 2-wheel dolly
Canning supplies, old wooden boxes
Speckled graniteware, pickle jars
Red & white cookware, wicker chairs
Green & red handle kitchen utensils
Old metal bladed oscillating fans
Pictures, luggage, old 5gl cans
Parts tumbler, mower parts
Sewing machine, bikes, old screw jacks
Antique floor radio, 3-section metal lockers
Old croquette set, lots of 15in tires
Crossbow, battery charger,5th wheel hitch
Christmas décor, golf clubs, suction hose
100’s golf balls, milk bottles, milk glass
Depression glass, green glass
Ruby red glass, etched glass, Shawnee
Roseville, Weller, McCoy, Collectors dream
Bed linens, occupied Japan figurines
Swung vases, bird figurines
3 sheds full of glass & misc
Plus much more